
(Paranormal) Sleep Paralysis Nightmares & Demonic Activity: A Guide to Reversal

I've noticed a sharp growth in the prevalence of occurrences, just in the past few years, of people stating they have experienced some sort of sleep paralysis episode or demonic attack during sleep. As someone who has personally experienced these for the past few years, I know how intense, troubling and terrifying they can be, along with how helpless they may make you feel. Just in the recent years, there has also been a steep incline in the amount of occult material available for this generation of teenagers and young adults, which accompanied by their lack of faith, knowledge of the true supernatural through God, and openness, or perhaps even willful encouragement of experience can breed destructive, demonic attacks in their lives. New age spiritualism has played a major role in this outlook, encouraging people to delve into and explore the realms of the liminal mind (or, space between wakeful consciousness and deep subconcious) via lucid dreaming, astral projection, hypno

(Home) Graze-Cleaning: A Brief Explanation

As some of us are entering [the seeming void of] young adulthood, starting more time-consuming jobs, and moving out into places, or simply acquiring more responsibility over the vicinity in which we dwell, the thought of cleaning and having time to do so can be very overwhelming. Dishes pile up, bathrooms become unbearable, and then the task of cleaning it all becomes a day, or even week long undertaking, that the thought of creates stress in the mind.  To prevent this, something I usually do is what I like to call “graze cleaning”. For example, I’ve just made dinner, and have only a few dishes in the sink, so I clean them up really quick before bed and wipe down the kitchen counter. The bathroom is starting to looking a little bit grungy, so I wipe out the sink, and give the toilet a quick scrub and wipe down, maybe the shower too. Things are starting to move around, pillows are out of place, so I straighten things up. The floor looks a little questionable, so I’d run the vacuu

(Paranormal) Dangers of the Spiritual Occult

This is something that I've been wanting to address for a while now. If you've read the Bible or are familiar with its contents, then you're likely aware of the fact that human beings aren't supposed to be using occultism, spiritualism, tarot cards, ouija boards, and things of the like, simply because we have been told not to. Since God is composed of wisdom and understanding, though, He's given us some reasons as to why this stuff is bad, that I and many other people have had the personal task of experiencing in life. What actually happens when you try to contact spirits?  Since the process of contacting spirits typically starts out with the practitioner opening themselves up to these spirits, it is quite often that the person's mind can be ravaged in a way for the duration of the ritual, or the person can become spiritual oppressed/possessed. The types of spirits which seek to possess a person, especially in this way, are always evil. Whilst there may b

(Health) Impact and Explanation of Domestic Abuse

If you or anyone you know has ever had the misfortune of being in an abusive relationship, you know that the aftermath and lasting effects can be far different than anyone in that person's social sphere could have imagined. As a parent, you could have also been abused or demonized by the abuser, and be terribly confused and frightened when your child "mysteriously" decides to cut contact with you (under their abuser's instructions). As a friend, you might feel alienated, ignored, excluded or even unwanted and unloved by the person you once thought was your friend. But as the abuser, you experience not just the social effects and temperamental shifts from what your family and friends have been through, but the actual trauma and lasting stress that can stay with you and make a lasting impact on your life. I know this may sound strange, and somewhat far-fetched, but there seems to be a way that abusive relationships create this sort of a bondage-type setting. There

(Paranormal) Alien/Demon Correlations

Usually, I wouldn’t be the person to post something like this, but it has reached a point where it is troubling me, between the nightmares and random hallucinations I tend to experience, and noticing that a lot of starry-eyed people my age or people who are unfamiliar with proper spiritual conduct are taking an interest in entities like aliens and other paranormal beings. This morning I tried to record a video of me talking about a nightmare I had last night about an alien abduction and talk a bit about what I believe of aliens and their correlation to demons and other malevolent beings, but when I played back the video, I realized it had cut off about 2 minutes before I ended the video, leaving me with a 7:24 minute clip where the sound cuts out a few seconds before the video ends rather than a full 9 and half or so minute clip. I do not wish to attach the video to this post, or to air it YouTube at this time. As stated in this video, I believe that there is a strong correl

(Health) C-PTSD: Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Hello everyone! I've been trying to produce a video on this topic, but knowing that it is such a difficult one to dispense information on thoroughly and accurately, I think I'll start by making a blog entry about it first! C-PTSD or Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is similar to regular PTSD in the sense that it is lasting psychological damage from enduring a hardship or traumatic experience like abuse, a disaster, a violent crime, but is considered complex because a) the circumstance is different, often consisting of more time in the situation, with pain coming in different forms from different people/places and thus b) effecting the individual in a deeper, more impactful way than a shorter-lived, one-time episode of trauma which results in normal PTSD. I know, it's a quite a bit to understand. The types of situations that can cause someone to develop this disorder are as follows, but not limited to: childhood/domestic abuse  severe bullying throughout scho

(Health) Anorexia: What it Really Is and Why It's so Awful

I talked briefly about this in my very first video on my channel, here. It was definitely not an easy topic to discuss, but I feel like it's something that definitely needs to be brought up. I wanted to include some additional information here and resources for those who may be going through this themselves, or know someone else who is. Being outrageously thing is not really something that is perpetuated in society as much anymore, which is wonderful, but I think it's causing us to forget about some of the people who are really struggling out there! There are a lot possible reasons why this is a problem with some individuals! ♥ Some people are genetically predispositioned for certain obsessive types of mental disorders ♥ [Childhood] trauma and sexual abuse ♥ Being bullied for their body shape  What is notable about this is that it is more so a coping mechanism than anything! It's a way to regain and retain control over oneself through something that is very person