
Showing posts from June, 2019

(Paranormal) Alien/Demon Correlations

Usually, I wouldn’t be the person to post something like this, but it has reached a point where it is troubling me, between the nightmares and random hallucinations I tend to experience, and noticing that a lot of starry-eyed people my age or people who are unfamiliar with proper spiritual conduct are taking an interest in entities like aliens and other paranormal beings. This morning I tried to record a video of me talking about a nightmare I had last night about an alien abduction and talk a bit about what I believe of aliens and their correlation to demons and other malevolent beings, but when I played back the video, I realized it had cut off about 2 minutes before I ended the video, leaving me with a 7:24 minute clip where the sound cuts out a few seconds before the video ends rather than a full 9 and half or so minute clip. I do not wish to attach the video to this post, or to air it YouTube at this time. As stated in this video, I believe that there is a strong correl

(Health) C-PTSD: Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Hello everyone! I've been trying to produce a video on this topic, but knowing that it is such a difficult one to dispense information on thoroughly and accurately, I think I'll start by making a blog entry about it first! C-PTSD or Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is similar to regular PTSD in the sense that it is lasting psychological damage from enduring a hardship or traumatic experience like abuse, a disaster, a violent crime, but is considered complex because a) the circumstance is different, often consisting of more time in the situation, with pain coming in different forms from different people/places and thus b) effecting the individual in a deeper, more impactful way than a shorter-lived, one-time episode of trauma which results in normal PTSD. I know, it's a quite a bit to understand. The types of situations that can cause someone to develop this disorder are as follows, but not limited to: childhood/domestic abuse  severe bullying throughout scho