
Showing posts from March, 2019

(Health) Anorexia: What it Really Is and Why It's so Awful

I talked briefly about this in my very first video on my channel, here. It was definitely not an easy topic to discuss, but I feel like it's something that definitely needs to be brought up. I wanted to include some additional information here and resources for those who may be going through this themselves, or know someone else who is. Being outrageously thing is not really something that is perpetuated in society as much anymore, which is wonderful, but I think it's causing us to forget about some of the people who are really struggling out there! There are a lot possible reasons why this is a problem with some individuals! ♥ Some people are genetically predispositioned for certain obsessive types of mental disorders ♥ [Childhood] trauma and sexual abuse ♥ Being bullied for their body shape  What is notable about this is that it is more so a coping mechanism than anything! It's a way to regain and retain control over oneself through something that is very person

(Paranormal) The Men in Black: Who are They and What do They Want?

If you've ever read any types of paranormal, alien encounter stories, you might have heard of the "Men in Black" phenomenon. These are apparently, supposed extraterrestrial beings who are known to make contact with people who who have acquired evidence about aliens, either through witnessing something extraterrestrial, or being abducted, in order to threaten them into silence about their experience. If that doesn't already sound oppressing enough, the have often been rumored to be working with our government.  The appearance these beings often take is that of an unnaturally tall, darker-skinned man with exotic features wearing a full black suit and carrying a brief case. They are not generally friendly, and have a tendency to be able to manipulate the environment around them in strange ways that could be described as not abiding by the typical laws of physics, essentially, interacting with their environment in supernatural ways. They've been known to move ob