(Paranormal) Dangers of the Spiritual Occult
This is something that I've been wanting to address for a while now. If you've read the Bible or are familiar with its contents, then you're likely aware of the fact that human beings aren't supposed to be using occultism, spiritualism, tarot cards, ouija boards, and things of the like, simply because we have been told not to. Since God is composed of wisdom and understanding, though, He's given us some reasons as to why this stuff is bad, that I and many other people have had the personal task of experiencing in life.
What actually happens when you try to contact spirits?
Since the process of contacting spirits typically starts out with the practitioner opening themselves up to these spirits, it is quite often that the person's mind can be ravaged in a way for the duration of the ritual, or the person can become spiritual oppressed/possessed. The types of spirits which seek to possess a person, especially in this way, are always evil. Whilst there may be nearby "good" spirits, meaning angels, the sons of God nearby to keep these evil spirits at bay, you'll likely never hear from them if you're using a sinful practice to do this.
Spiritual oppression is similar to possession in the fact that it influences the person's life in a negative way, but it differs from possession as it manifests from outside of the person. This can cause any number of things to happen to them, and can cause other people around the person to start treating them differently. Many times, this results in pain and suffering within the spirit of a person, feeling trapped and hopeless in the situation .It's worse if nobody around the person knows that they have been involved with the occult. If it's made known, it's possible that the person would have a better chance at getting help. Possession is when a demon manifests in a person from inside their soul, because it was allowed access there by the person, and can carry out a number of demonic activities to scare and intimidate its host and those around it, like being vile, angry, hostile, inhumanly strong, averted to religious symbols, unable to enter a church without some kind of pain, levitation in some severe cases, and this energy is ultimately a type of bondage.
Why would someone want to contact spirits, anyways?
This is rooted in pride and temptation, and wanting to have access to the things that we are not to have, like Eve with the fruit in the Garden of Eden. Someone, operating under the influence of evil, may have tempted someone to use this forbidden practice, or they received an evil though, somehow. Sometimes, people just want to know what their future might hold, so that they can ascertain that they are making the right decision. The problem with this is, that while the intentions are fine, the practice is not: a =/= b.
Consider this metaphor:
One's life is under God's jurisdiction, so their life look like a puzzle, with all the pieces in place. They are standing on one of those pieces at the present moment, and although they may not be able to see the rest of the puzzle, it is there, laid out by God. Now, if this person decides to take up the practice of, for example, using a ouija board to find out information about their future or some other hidden knowledge, that would be like picking up one of the puzzle pieces and swapping it out with another on the board. Now, their life is disjointed and out of order, because of that one piece. Sometimes, this may even involve more than one piece. Notably, this happens with other sins as well. This is just a metaphor though, so the "pieces of the puzzle" and whatnot should not be taken to scale, but one thing should be noted: each sin we do messes up our puzzle, and this cannot be remedied except by salvation from Christ.
Why is this such a bad thing? It's not effecting anyone else but me, right?
Er, wrong. Are you in a relationship? It's effecting your significant other. Do you have a family? Friends? It's effecting them too. Your cat's been acting funny? Ope. Her too. First and foremost, this could negatively impact others in your life. When I say "negatively impact", I mean that this can cause anything from a few negative events (just a little bad "life weather") to a an onslaught on mental torment. This can induce hallucinations, or tormentous visions and thoughts that can rob a person of happiness. It can cause them to enter a depression, but often times, it may go unnoticed, especially if the person is used to a certain level of negativity that's present in their life.
A common phenomenon that occurs when moderate levels of occult usage is practice is visions of "shadow people"; dark images that appear for flitting split seconds out of the corner of one's eye, that resembles a human being. Sometimes, tapping noises will be heard or faint whispers of voices. If you're a hyper-sensitive person, this can often times be worse. You may hear voices or see visions of things that you're certain are not there. While this is a sign of psychotic mental disorders, like schizophrenia/schizophreniform disorders, DID, bipolar disorder, and PTSD, if the person does not have any history of this medical condition, and has been dabbling in the occult, the cause may very well be supernatural.
There is so easy way to explain the supernatural, because it is just that: above and set apart from the natural or physical world. Things experienced in a supernatural way do not have ties to the physical world, and while we are alive in our bodies, we are very much connected to the physical world, and must not alter our location unless God (and/or the angel of death) decide to change that.
Remember, despite all this, God is the one thing that won't change into something bad unless you make yourself His enemy, and won't go away.
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